Privacy Policy

Docs for Gatsby add-on does not collect or distribute any information about you or about your documents.

View and manage metadata of files in your Google Drive

Docs for Gatsby will ask permission to read and write your Google Drive files metadata. The app only need access to the current Google Drive Document description. It's the place where the App keep organized in YAML format the metadata you manage inside the Metadata Dialog.

Unfortunately, it does not exist the permission "Current Drive Document only".

Docs for Gatsby does not change any content. It does not read or update any of your others documents.

View and manage current Google Docs document

Docs for Gatsby will ask this permission to get the ID of the current document, useful to find the current Drive document associated.

Display prompts and dialogs inside Google applications

Docs for Gatsby ask for this permission to display metadata and about dialogs but also to display the prompt useful to set the publish configuration.

Connect to an external service

Docs for Gatsby ask for this permission for publishing your website when clicking on "publish" submenu. The app need this permission to notify the external service you use to build your site. (eg: Gatsby Cloud, Netlify...)